ThermaFlo Systems

Fehlinger is proud to announce its partnership with Thermaflo Engineering. Fehlinger is the exclusive representative for Thermaflo Engineering in NYC Metro Area and New Jersey.

Thermaflo is a manufacturer of the finest turn-key Heat Transfer and Boiler Fee Systems in the industry.

ThermaFlo Incorporated began providing customers solutions in 1986 with simple steam fired hot water heaters and condensate return systems utilizing our hands on field experience. Unlike many manufacturers, they started out selling, engineering, and maintaining equipment in the field before they actually began building their own. These many years of working with steam and hot water systems provided ThermaFlow with first hand experiences that allowed them to hone their skills.

Fehlinger is the exclusive representative for Thermaflo Engineering in NYC Metro Area and New Jersey.

  • Steam fired instantaneous hot water heaters
    • Using shell & tube or plate & frame heat exchangers
    • Vertical or horizontal construction
    • Can fit through a standard 30” doorway
    • Fully tested at the factory BEFORE shipment
  • Water to water instantaneous hot water heater packages
  • Zero flash Water Heater

Steam & High Temp Water Control Valves

The Thermaflo JVV V Ball Series Control Valve is designed for high speed 100% duty for temperature, pressure and level control applications. Specifically designed for steam, high-temperature hot water, and other rigorous control applications.

Clean Steam Generators

“Cross Flow Instantaneous Design” Thermaflo Engineering THCS produces Dry Quality Clean Steam Instantly and On Demand for All Clean Steam Needs. Depend on a Tested Proven THCS System from Thermaflo Engineering Inc.

Steam Fired Water Heaters

Accepts Up to 150 psig Steam Eliminating Costly PRV Stations. Complete Package Construction for Simple Pipe and Operate Installation, Fully Programmed & Set-up. 100:1 Industrial Control Valve Flow Turndown and Dead Tight Shutoff with “Soft Seat Unique Design Controls Pressure and Temperature”. Touch Screen, Modbus, Ethernet. Controls and Outputs Available.

Steam Fluid Heating Systems

Saves up to 10% steam over any conventional steam heater on the market today.

Specification Sheets

We know that you need specification sheets for customers, consulting engineers and their own purposes. Please visit our specification library for more information.

Air Compressor Maintenance

Comprehensive Air Compressor Repair and Preventive Maintenance